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6 rules for a perfect holiday

The organization of events is something with which, perhaps, any person in his life came across. It does not matter if it was a student's party, a child's birthday, a hen party, a corporate party or a hanging out with friends. But, probably, it was not always successful. In this article I will tell you the key points of organizing a good holiday, which will be remembered by the guests, will be successful and will secure for you the title of the King of Parties.




It is important to know exactly what you are doing for the holiday. It is impossible to plan an event without thinking about the result. The key goal should be - let it be a praise from friends, an impression on someone, an outset for future business relationships, not important. The main thing is to think about the result.


Lecture hall


First of all, during the celebration, it is necessary to start from the audience. Do not you become the jubilee of your beloved grandfather to hold a fire show, or arrange races in bags? For each type of audience their own laws: for children to choose options with a lot of games and prizes, animators and development programs; For business partners show program and minimum participation from outside; For the newlyweds a romantic atmosphere and a glimpse of the prospect of relations, a peculiar look into the future.


Idea and theme


After you have decided, why and for whom you arrange a holiday, it is necessary to decide - what stylistics to adhere to? Here and the notorious audience comes up - for each generation and for each social group there are their acceptable themes and stop-motives. About them in more detail: the boundaries of personal space are holy and unshakable, for no reason should not be violated. It strongly depends on the degree of your acquaintance with the public, but, once again, the private space is sacred. For children, the successful topics will be all connected in one way or another with popular children's programs, cartoons, characters and sauns-shows. For an older audience, the circle is much broader, but do not forget that the popular culture for the target audience of the 40+ is clearly not the best choice. But for the company "slightly over 40", the themes related to their youth and / or modern mass cultural phenomena, whose consumers they are, will be a success.


Choose a place


Here your imagination is not limited, except that the weather itself. Outdoors picnics, restaurants, cafes, clubs, nature tours with themed entertainments (historical installations, paintball and airsoft matches, sports, rafting, etc.). However, do not forget - first you need to familiarize yourself with the reputation of the institution (place), the way people are delivered, the proximity / distance from the emergency services stations, develop an accurate route, discuss the details of possible fines and compensation, contact the owners in advance and reserve seats.




Having decided on the topic, start thinking through the plan of the meeting. Find animators with a good reputation, cosplayers, instructors, leading, artists. Predict their schedule in advance, look at their speeches personally, make a pledge - a pledge is always a guarantee of fulfillment of obligations, do not forget about the contract. You can organize the show program yourself and use your friends as a troupe, but in this case, make sure that the scripts are painted every minute, the costumes are ready, and your friends will take seriously and responsibly to your event.




Debug everything to the smallest details - schedule the event, list the dishes, discuss the work of the florist in advance, the performances of artists should also not create lining, the number and quality of contests, music (DJ orchestra, harmonica or Mexican musical quartet). Organize transport, stock up on medicines, cards, batteries, any trifles that seem to be everywhere, but at the right time they will not be at hand, think out all the risks in advance.


And, the most important rule, the basis, almost the essence!


The Robot League offers both beginners and experienced event managers, organizers, cosplayers, owners of exhibition halls, theme shops, bookstores, video games and entertainment stores, its line of Sufferers, Superheroes, Star Wars characters and Of the worlds Pixar. Suits are easily adjusted to any height and physique, are unpretentious in maintenance, easily tolerate any climatic conditions and easy to clean. The costumes of the factory will be ready for you business, photo-zone and decor element, and will be remembered by your guests for a long time, turning for you into a business card.


Have a good holiday and many, many satisfied guests.


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