And here it is the long-awaited New Year's Eve. And next summer the graduates of the preparatory group of the kindergarten will receive colorful photo albums, where the brightest events of their kindergarten life will be captured.
But today the group is in a particularly elated mood. The child is preparing for a photo shoot. Photographers are already trying hard - arrange the equipment, set up lighting equipment, choose the most successful camera angles.
This is all, of course, very important. But the most important thing is the shining eyes of the guys and their enthusiastic smiles. How can this be achieved and caught by the camera lens?
Meanwhile, future graduates are ready - smarten up, correct hair, try. And on the faces rather excitement, than carelessness and fun. The task for the photographer is not simple.
But then the door opens and we see the Ninja Turtles in all their glory and full ammunition. The children are completely ecstatic, forgetting about the importance of the upcoming photo shoot, rushes to them. And something unthinkable begins.
After 15-20 minutes of indescribable joy our photographers clarify the situation. It turns out that these characters were specially invited to create the necessary atmosphere and unique images.
They've done this trick several times. And now they have no rebound from customers.
The fact is that by persuasion and requests to smile, take the right pose, etc. To achieve the desired result is very difficult. But when all this happens in interaction with your favorite characters, for a photographer, quality and interesting pictures - this is just a matter of technique. And smiles, funny faces, the most direct and sincere emotions are "extracted" by skillful animators.
Yes, and the entourage of what it costs. These are not beaten suits of pirates, princesses, cinderellas and cats in boots, in which they assiduously dress up the pupils themselves. Nearby are the real Ninja Turtles coming off the screen. You can climb on their hands, hold all their attributes, create unique compositions.
As it turned out later, there are also other wonderful characters, very beloved by the kids. These are all kinds of robot transformers: Optimus, Bumblebi, Ironheid, and Galvatron, as well as Hulk, Valley and others. Such super realistic costumes are produced by the "League of Robots" factory, using the most modern technologies and materials.
Our photographers admitted that the cost of such a creative move more than pay off. And in the future they plan to purchase costumes of robot transformers for their own use, so as not to hire animators. Moreover, many adults also will not give up the pleasure of making a photo for memory in such a "cool outfit".
And we still have a spring photo session ahead of us. And we hope that our wonderful photographers will surprise the kid again with something extraordinary. It will happen somewhere in nature. And, probably, other characters of robots transformers will bewitch the guys and help make fantastic photos.
To many years later the kindergarten photo album warmed the souls of our already adult boys and girls with the warmest and kindest childhood memories.
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